Redbull, and many other similar, yet less appealing, energy drinks have a combination of ingredients that makes us feel like a 12 yr old at your neighbors sleepover party all hopped up on mountain dew. Some might think caffeine-but does coffee give you wings? No. Its not the caffeine, bra, its the Taurine!
Sure, taurine sounds safe, it is an organic amino acid. Its found naturally in foods such as different types of seafoods and meats. Does the shit actually work?
A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, concluding that "The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events." Hmm...
While accessing the Redbull official website, I wanted to find a statement which outlined the proper usage; I found 5.
1.Water and appropriate sports drinks should be used for rehydration as outlined in the NFHS Document “Position Statement and Recommendations for Hydration to Minimize the Risk for Dehydration and Heat Illness.”
2. Energy drinks should not be used for hydration.
3. Information about the absence of benefit and the presence of potential risk associated with energy drinks should be widely shared among all individuals who interact with young athletes.
4. Energy drinks should not be consumed by athletes who are dehydrated.
5. Energy drinks should not be consumed without prior medical approval, by athletes taking over the counter or prescription medications.
So..don't drink Redbull when you're dehydrated, or an athlete, or young, or on medication. Shit, I literally fall under every category.
As the Wu would say, "Protect ya neck!"
I wish the song was called "Protect your heart, mental stability, and overall well being. I guess well just have to wait for their 16th album.
Redbull doesn't give you wings, folks, it gives you a placebo effect and a damn good belly ache!
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